Concerned about Conversion

Concerned about Conversion

We need your help in NSW!

Gay and lesbian youth are being hurt - by gender ideology.

It’s not OK to tell an effeminate boy who’ll may grow up gay he’s in the ‘wrong body’.
It’s not OK to rubber-stamp testosterone for a same-sex attracted girl who may experience homophobic shaming.

So much of gender ideology is stereotypes. Young people are surrounded by it on social media: "A girl who likes football can't really be a female", "A boy who likes dressing up is probably trans".

Our youth are particularly vulnerable to this as lesbians ...

We need your help in NSW!

Gay and lesbian youth are being hurt - by gender ideology.

It’s not OK to tell an effeminate boy who’ll may grow up gay he’s in the ‘wrong body’.
It’s not OK to rubber-stamp testosterone for a same-sex attracted girl who may experience homophobic shaming.

So much of gender ideology is stereotypes. Young people are surrounded by it on social media: "A girl who likes football can't really be a female", "A boy who likes dressing up is probably trans".

Our youth are particularly vulnerable to this as lesbians and gay youth often do not align with gender stereotypes. LGB youth are disproportionally represented in the de-transitioners cohort and experience regret, following permanent changes to their bodies. While young adults have found themselves on a conveyor belt to medicalisation, saying "I had internalised homophobia," or "I now realise I was just a lesbian."

What's Happening in NSW?

Independent MP Alex Greenwich introduced his Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill 2023 to the NSW legislature in August 2023. This has now lapsed. Instead, the NSW Labor government is drafting its own Anti-Conversion Practices Bill, which has not been subject to the usual public consultation process.

Neither Mr Greenwich nor the NSW government have provided any robust evidence that conversion practices continue to be an issue for the citizens of NSW and require legislation. LGB Alliance Australia was not invited to be part of the consultation process and our member survey did not see this as an issue.

The impetus for these bills stem from activist lobbying by well-funded organisations like ACON and Equality Australia. Recently, these organisations campaigned for gender identity issues. They no longer represent the needs and interests of LGB people.

The Problems with the Proposed Legislation

LGB Alliance Australia supports a ban on gay conversion therapy as homophobic, outdated an ineffective.

However, these proposed Bills incorporate gender identity and TQA+ identities. This confuses gay conversion practices with the complex issues of gender dysphoria and gender-affirming care.

The practice of gender-affirming care rubber stamps gender-confused youth for social and medical transition. This one-size-fits-all approach hurts LGB and other vulnerable youth.

LGB Alliance Australia does not support legislation that will trans the gay away through medicalisation. This is the modern conversion practice that concerns us. It is heartbreaking to hear the stories of de-transitioned lesbians and gay men speaking about their regret for irreversible body modification, including the loss of sexual function and fertility.

This legislation has nothing to do with equality or tackling homophobia in NSW.

By including gender-identity, the proposed legislation will discourage and have a chilling effect on exploratory therapy and comprehensive assessments by health professionals.
We are concerned that the government's Bill will mean that ANY public or therapeutic discussion about gender could be considered a form of conversion practice.

Act now! Email the NSW Parliament

Please tell your MPs why the conversion therapy Bill will harm LGB people

It's crucial we highlight how this will impact our community - this is a human rights issue.

We’re asking for a parliamentary inquiry into harms to LGB and other vulnerable youth from the practice of affirmative care.

We’re asking the government to remove gender identity from the Conversion Practices Bill.

Your email will be sent to 25 NSW parliamentarians. 

Compose your email